Monday, June 3, 2013

A Full Quiver

My little sister is pregnant. And I'm so excited that I can't stand it!! I can't wait to smell that little tiny baby head. I can't wait to nibble on his/her fingers, toes, ears. I can't wait to rock that baby and tell him/her stories about their Mama that she'd rather me never utter. I can't wait to feed him, change him and then give him back! ha! 

My sister is my BFF. I can read her like a book. She gets quiet when she politely disagrees with me but doesn't want to argue. She laughs hysterically at herself in all situations. She uplifts and encourages people with kind words and the touch of her delicate hand. She takes the breath away from a crowd with her beauty when she walks into the room. She has a look of wonder and orneriness in her eyes that makes you wish you knew what she was thinking b/c you know it's just gotta be hilarious. 

She's my baby sister. My BFF. My confidant. My best traveling companion. My favorite make-up and hair model. My favorite actress in the the 1989 soap opera that I wrote and directed (she shoulda won a daytime Emmy for her performance). Also, my guinea pig, my subject, my shadow and my greatest cheerleader. 

And she's having another baby. 

And I'm so thankful and so happy. 

God is good. Just wanted to say it - not that my acknowledgment adds to His glory because it doesn't, but it does add to my worship. And I wanted to worship God through the fact that He's the Giver of Life. The Author. The Sustainer.  The Redeemer.

I love you, Jenni Pooh. Congratulations!!

PS - time to Mom-up and get a minivan. If you can't beat us, join us!

Jessica (3)  & Jenni (1 1/2) 

Jenni's college graduation
(Master's degree in Science. Disgusting! She picked pretty AND smart!)

Jenni doesn't laugh. She cackles. It's contagious. 

Jenni was 7 weeks pregnant with Karis

Mom & Jenni - isn't she the cutest pregnant woman!?!?

Mom, Jenni (Karis), Jes 
in Karis' nursery

Jenni holding Karis (a whopping 9lb. baby!)

Happy Mama holding her baby

My boundaries know nothing of personal space! 
"Oh, you just delivered a 9lb baby? Let me crawl in the bed with you!"

Sweet Mama & baby pic. 

Gaga, Karis ( 1 1/2), Jenni, Juju - Puerto Vallarta 2008

Karis & Emmy - our girls BFF's!

Jeremy, Jenni, Emmy & Karis

Jenni (Nini), Karis & Emmy playing hair

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my (crazy) mother's womb"
Psalm 139:13 
(parenthesis, mine)

Best Sisters at Jenni's wedding shower in March

Here comes the bride! 
March 23, 2013

Children are a gift from the Lord;
    they are a reward from him.
Children born to a young man
    are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.
How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!
Psalm 127:3-5

Congratulations, Jeremy & Jenni!

May your quiver be full. 
That doesn't sound right. No, no that can't be right, can it??

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