Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Keep a Journal

Suicide Survivor's Top Ten Things To Do (or NOT Do):


Just write. Even if you're "not a writer", write. You'll wish you had if you don't. 

You think you'll remember ever lesson, every great thing God does and shows you. But you won't. You'll forget. 

So write it down. Keep a journal. Get a fancy leather one with your name engraved on it (like I did cuz I'm a total nerd, uh, I mean, I'm a boss, baby. Or is it, "I'm boss." Clearly I'm both.). Or buy a $1.99 black & white composition notebook. It doesn't matter. 

Write the day and the date (i.e. Tuesday, June 11, 2013) and then write what you're feeling that day. Here's an example:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Today I'm doing really good, especially considering we lost _________________ two months ago today. Oh gosh, I didn't realize today was the 11th...two months. Wow. God is good. Wow. Now I feel like my heart is breaking. It's a little hard to breathe when I realize I haven't heard her voice in two months. Oh great I'm crying in this composition notebook...again.

Just write. 

Recently (on April 11th), one of my dearest friends' older sister went to Heaven. She was only 37. She left behind her husband and two little girls. So before I boarded the plane to go to the funeral, I bought my friend, her sister and their mama journals. I had their names engraved on the journals. And I wrote their instructions inside the front cover of each journal: "Write in this journal. Let it be the chronicle of your journey through your loss. Write down every memory you have of your sister/daughter. And one day, when it's right and when it's special, give this journal to her daughters. It will be the best gift you can give those sweet little girls." 

Write. Remember. Look back and see what God has done and where He has brought you. And praise Him that you're here and you're no longer there. Thank Him for getting you through each second of each minute of each day. He is good. 

Remember His faithfulness. Write it down. 

"Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us." Luke 1:1  The beginning of the gospel according to Luke. He wrote down the account of Jesus to share with us. Aren't we thankful and blessed that he did?

Write it if not for yourself for someone else. One day you'll need to share your story and the lessons you've learned to help someone else through their journey. 

It's not too late to start writing! If your loss was yesterday or 10 years ago, begin writing now. Write what you remember. Write who you've become in light of what you've gone through. 

Start writing. Don't give up. Keep going!


  1. Replies
    1. Keep going, Diana Lynne. Or is it Dianna Lyne? Or Diana Lynn?
      Ha! Only kidding...I know that your name is Dee Elle.

  2. I am writing in that journal, Jess. And yes, most of the pages are stained with tears and, honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for the gift of the journal - and the gift of your presence with us in KC throughout the entire thing. Just last night in bed I was telling Justin that it still feels so weird. I can't think of any other word - just weird.

    The awesome thing about reading your posts during your "Dead Dad Week" and beyond is that it has brought the little memories I still have of your dad flooding into my mind once again. Above all the biggest memories I have is Jerry in his cutoff jean shorts (he was rockin' them!) and that contagious laugh - always teasing someone for something!

    1. Someone shoulda told Dad that "daisy dukes" were intended as a "women only" club. He was proud of his puuurty legs, wasn't he? Oh my!

      Keep writing in that journal. I know you're a writer and you're gonna be so glad you wrote everything down!
      I'm praying for you each daily. Love you Dale girls.
